Message message

Message from the Founder

Sho Naito (M.D. MBA)
Chairman of the Board of Directors, Clinnovation Medical Corporation



The level of medical care in Japan is approaching the highest in the world, but at the same time, Japan’s unique culture of medical consultation is deeply rooted, international standardization of medical institutions is lagging, and there are still many issues in terms of convenience and patient experience.


In light of this situation, we have established three concepts, based on which we will launch a completely new international clinic that has never existed in Japan before.


(1) A place where overseas patients can feel free to consult with us at any time about anything.
(2) A place where patients can feel at ease in their own language and culture
(3) A place where international standard of medical care and hospitality can be provided.


In operating this clinic, we promise to meet the medical needs of as many patients as possible by adhering to the following three policies.


① Accept all patients without refusal.
② We accept all patients regardless of nationality, language, or creed.
③ We do not discriminate by age or department.





Message from the Director


Dr.DEN Yo M.D.
Director of Tokyo Station International Clinic

Concepts Movie


Tokyo Station International Clinic(TSIC)

GranRoof 1F, 1-9-1 Marunouchi,Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-0005, JAPAN (Next to JR express bus terminal)




MARU トラベルクリニック
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